So I read “Tying the knot with an Amagami sister”
Hello and welcome to my first blog post. If you are reading this, I have tricked you. This is where I give my thoughts on media I experience. So like, leave if you don’t care about that I guess. I hardly care about what I’m talking about right now! But I caught up to this manga and wanted to go more in-depth than what twitter would let me.
"Tying the knot with an Amagami sister" (TTKWAAS) is a harem manga. I do not know a lot about harems, so this was my first time getting my feet real wet in the genre. The only harem I’d ever experienced before this one was like, a few episodes of season 2 of Quintessential Quintuplets. THAT was bad. It felt like I was watching season 1, because he was doing this bit of “I can’t tell who is who!!!!” which got really annoying. Bitch, they all have different hair lengths and accessories!! It’s very easy to tell them apart by that alone!!!!! I couldn’t believe my ears when my friends said it was season 2. I’m convinced absolutely nothing happened in season 1. Anyway, TTKWAAS was written and drawn by an assistant who worked on Quints, so that’s fun. This was an excuse to rag on quints for a paragraph.
There are 3 Amagami sisters, which is way more manageable than 5 sisters. All of them are shrine maidens who take after their adoptive mother. The MC has to pick from one of them to inherit the shrine to keep it running, but he eventually does grow to start loving all of them. From youngest to oldest:
Asahi Amagami (14 at the start of the manga) is a middle school athlete (who, at the latest point in the manga, is about to go into high school). She acts the most mature even though she is just a kid really. Her dream is to become an olympic athlete and to use the fame to direct more people to the Amagami shrine. She has a tough exterior that she keeps up with her classmates so she’ll distance herself from her sisters in school settings, but it’s obvious she still loves her sisters. When she’s with MC though, she loves to put him on display and tease him, putting him in awkward social situations. Honestly, she is the worst option out of the 3. I read around on reddit and most people agree she gives off “losing girl” vibes. She’s the least interesting out of the 3, mostly acting as the “straight man” to her sisters. The manga is currently going through an arc exploring her childhood, and it’s really uninteresting. It’s just, “yep, her parents are shitty parents.” It really doesn’t matter and I can’t wait for it to be over.