My speech is being translated into words based on your own vocabulary.
If my speech is strange, it is your fault.

What are we doing here?

what are *you* doing here? i made this website and dipped bro. i'm gone. technically, you're stuck in the past.

Where should I go?

if i add extra pages, go there. or there should be links on the side bar. if there aren't then i abandonded this page and i'll probably never come back. i'm not gonna edit this if/when i do make a sidebar. so please, use your eyes to determine whether or not i'm a lazy person.

wouldn't it be cool if you could go to another page every few months or years to see if i decided to update a page where i talk about bullshit? yeah, it would. you are full of very good ideas.

i read manga and i screenshot the panels i like. i wanted to compile them all into one place. too bad i haven't gotten to this yet. oh well!! one day, right?


let's get straight to the point. that hyperlink leads to my favorite doujins. children are not allowed (i will know). the rest of you, proceed at your own risk.